If you’re having sex it’s a good idea to have regular sexual health checkups so that any sexually transmitted infections (STIs) you may have can be diagnosed and treated. Men who are sexually active are recommended to go for a six monthly sexual health MOT, or more frequently if you are having large numbers of sexual partners and/or are fucking without condoms. Untreated STIs can increase your risk of becoming infected with or passing on HIV, may lead to long-term health problems and can easily be passed on to your sexual partners.

Not all STIs have symptoms, and some may not produce symptoms every time, so that’s why it’s important to go for a sexual health screen at least every 6 months. Even if you have an STI and have no symptoms you can still be affected by long-term health problems, as well as pass on the STI to others.

Symptoms that may suggest that you have an STI might include:


– Discharge from your cock or arse

– Pain and discomfort – e.g. when pissing

– Rash or skin irritation or itching

– Sores or blisters

– Swollen lymph glands

– Malaise and fever

– Growths on the cock or around the arse

– Diarrhoea/upset stomach or pale shit

– Dark coloured piss

– Weight loss

– Yellowing of the skin and eyes

If you think you have an STI, either because you have symptoms or if you have been informed by a sexual contact that you may have an STI, you should visit a sexual health clinic as soon as possible for a sexual health screen.


This section of the website lists where you can get tested (and in most cases, treated) for STIs. Choose a link from the left hand menu that best suits you.


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