What is PEP?”

This is drug treatment that is given to people immediately or very soon after they've been exposed to HIV which might help to stop the virus from taking such a strong hold on the immune system.

Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a complex regime of drugs which is taken for a month or so. The course of drugs has to be started soon after exposure and its long-term benefits are as yet unproved.

If your partner is HIV positive and you've had unsafe sex, you may be able to get PEP from your local sexual health clinic. If you feel that there is a strong possibility that you have been exposed to HIV you may want to contact the clinic to see if PEP is available.

As the drug regime MUST begin very soon after exposure you should contact the clinic direct as soon as possible.

In Edinburgh you should contact the GUM clinic at the Royal Infirmary on 0131 536 2103 or for further information contact Gay Men’s Health on 0131 558 9444.

In Glasgow you should contact the Steve Retson Project on 0141 221 8628 or for further information contact Gay Men’s Health on 0141 552 0112.


HIV and Testing

The HIV Comeback Tour
“... in Lothian 40% of gay and bisexual men with HIV don’t know they have it.” 

VISIT THE WEBSITE!http://www.hivcomebacktour.co.uk/http://www.hivcomebacktour.co.uk/
Connected Scotland 
is a website dedicated to gay and bisexual men living with HIV, their partners, family and friends. 

Click here to visit the site!http://www.connectedscotland.co.uk/
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