We have put together the following selection of links that we feel may be of use to you. However, please note that we are not responsible for the accuracy or content of external sites.
Aidsmap: Provided by the same people that brought us the National Aids Manual, this site is regarded by many as the definitive online source of sexual health information.
AEGiS: Aids Education Global Education System
Crew: Information, advice and support for those using or affected by alcohol or drugs. All services are confidential and non-judgemental.
Cruisaid: a leading UK charity dedicated to helping poor and marginalised people affected by HIV and AIDS.
Diversitay: Tayside LGBT Group providing confidential support and information to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people as well as to people who may be questioning their sexuality
The Equality Network: campaigns for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Scotland.
Fife Men: a non profit-making organisation aiming to promote the health and well being of men who have sex with men. Based in Fife, Scotland.
GMFA: An excellent London based Gay Men’s Health charity - worth a look.
Health Scotland: provides information and resources to support health improvement practitioners and organisations working with us to improve Scotland's health and reduce inequalities
The HIV Comeback Tour: Information on HIV, Condoms and HIV Testing. Gay Men’s Health is proud to be a partner in this multi agency initiative.
HIV Wake Up: Men who have sex with men are at particular risk of catching HIV. The HIV Wake-up website aims to provide information about the importance of HIV testing primarily to this group in Scotland. However, the information is also relevant to anyone who has HIV, is at risk from HIV or would like to know more about HIV testing.
HIV Scotland: HIV voluntary sector policy organisation. As the leading HIV policy organisation, HIV Scotland gives the views and expertise of voluntary organisations the authority of an independent and collective voice.
i-base: HIV treatment information for healthcare professionals and HIV-positive people
The LGBT Centre for Health & Wellbeing: a unique initiative promoting healthy lifestyles and improving the accessibility of mainstream health services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender communities in Edinburgh & south-east Scotland.
LGBT Youth Scotland: Working across Scotland for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth.
The Men’s Health Forum Scotland: The Men’s Health Forum Scotland aims to provide an independent and authoritative voice for male health and to tackle the issues affecting the health and well-being of boys and men in Scotland.
National Aids Trust: The UK's leading independent policy and campaigning voice on HIV and AIDS we influence attitudes, behaviour and decisions that have an impact on the lives of people affected by, and at risk of HIV and AIDS.
Oasis: Online service for assessing your drinking or cocaine use with a free 4 week course to help you regain control of it. The service is free and anonymous with lots of support available to help you get back on track.
Prime Time: A Gay Men’s Health run social group for gay and bisexual men aged 40+, based in both Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Roam Outreach: Lothian NHS based harm reduction project working with men who have sex in cruising areas, cottages, saunas and other public environments and men who sell sex. This project also offers a weekly full sexual health testing service for gay and bisexual men.
ScotsGay Magazine: The Magazine from Scotland for Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals, wherever they may be...
The Scottish Netreach Network (SNN): the SNN is a group of Scottish agencies including Gay Men’s Health that do outreach work with gay and bi men online.
Sigma Research: a social research group specialising in the behavioural and policy aspects of HIV and sexual health. It also undertakes research and development work on aspects of lesbian, gay and bisexual health and well-being.
The Steve Retson Project: A sexual health service for gay and bisexual men in Glasgow.
Stonewall Scotland campaigns for equality and justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people living in Scotland.
Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard - confidential telephone counselling in the West of Scotland.
Terrence Higgins Trust: "The HIV and Sexual Health Charity for Life"
The Body: “The Complete HIV Aids Resource”.
Waverley Care: Scotland’s largest HIV charity
World Aids Day: The latest news and information about this year's campaign.
The Janek Latosinski Charitable Trust: Supporting people living with HIV in the West of Scotland. Free complimentary therapies and psychotherapy for people living with HIV.
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