If You Are Interested in Counselling...
Like the majority of counselling agencies we sometimes have to operate a waiting list for counselling. However, you will be offered an initial appointment with the Counselling Manager within two weeks. This initial meeting serves a number of different functions:
• it will give you a chance to ask any questions you have about counselling or about Gay Men’s Health
• it will give you a chance to talk confidentially with someone in advance of your counselling
• it will give both people the chance to discuss whether counselling is likely to be helpful for you just now
• it will look at how appropriate it is for you to be waiting for counselling at the moment
• it will look at whether there may be other helpful sources of support
• it will ask for some basic information for the purposes of our evaluation system
You are not being assessed at this meeting but a decision will be made about the most appropriate course of action for you at this point in time: whether to place you on the waiting list, refer you to a more appropriate organisation, offer another type of help etc. If you think you know the Counselling Manager and would feel uncomfortable talking to her then we can arrange for this initial meeting to be held with someone else.
In order to be placed on the waiting list we need to take some contact details so we can get in touch when a space becomes available. This information is confidential and is kept secure within the organisation. The Administrator and the Counselling Manager are the only people who will have access to your contact details and this information is shredded once you leave counselling.
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