No relationship is perfect. But some relationships are better than others...
Arguing with a partner is perfectly normal. Two people won’t always see eye-to-eye in a relationship, and tension is to be expected. It’s how you deal with the tension that matters.
If your relationship has gone sour, things have got messy and arguments are turning into physical fights, then this is a problem that needs to be sorted out. Violence in a relationship is something that needs to be addressed – not something that needs to be tolerated. Although it can be enormously difficult, you need to think about whether it is time to call it a day on this relationship and go your separate ways. If you don’t feel ready to split up then get help to sort out the problems in your relationship and to find a more helpful way of resolving your differences. And you need to think about what you will do if your partner isn’t willing to meet you half way in sorting things out.
Physical violence is only one way an abusive relationship can show itself – it is also important to review the relationship if there are other forms of abuse going on: threats, intimidation, sexual abuse, being forced or intimidated into sex you don’t want to have, blackmail etc.
If you are being violent to your partner, intimidating them or making threats then you need to get help to find more appropriate ways of resolving frustration and conflict in your relationships. If you are on the receiving end you need to think about what you are willing to tolerate, and at what point you will walk away. If you or your partner are not willing or able to find more appropriate ways of dealing with problems, then it is probably time to walk away from this relationship, as sad and hurtful as that may be.
For help with your relationship, you can contact:
Gay Men’s Health 0131 558 9444
Gay Men’s Health 0141 552 0112
Relationships Scotland 0845 119 2020
Can put you in touch with a local branch able to offer relationship counselling
An organisation for people experiencing violence in same-sex relationships
020 8539 9507 Helpline Open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday (closed 1-2pm for lunch)
Website: www.lgbt-dv.org
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