For some of us, the thought of meeting and speaking to new people can bring us out in a cold sweat. Gay bars and parties can be intimidating, especially if we don’t know anyone there. So if we sit by ourselves without talking to other people, we are blocking out other people.
You might spot someone but, it can be nerve-racking letting that guy we fancy know that we want to get to know him a bit better. If you spot someone, how can you move it from being a distant glance to a bit more?
Here are some top tips
1.Look: make eye contact and hold it. Look at him until he looks back and then let it linger. It will show your openness and interest – flirt a little with it.
2.Smile: it’s good to use facial expressions ... blank staring faces don’t leave a good impression! Be absolutely sure to smile – it’s contagious and gives out a powerful message.
3.Nod: it can let him know you are interested without giving too much away.
4.Follow Him: this can be a good way to check him out and find an opportunity to say hello. Just take it easy – none of us want to be thought of as a stalker!
5.Mirror Him: subtly mimic his gestures and body language – it will let him know that there is a connection there. Don’t make it too obvious- you are not playing a game of “Simon says”
6.Body Language: your body can tell someone a lot. Move towards him but don’t crowd him. Leans towards him – you’ll appear keener. Don’t sit there with your arms and legs crossed – it’ll seem as if you are uncomfortable and defensive. Make some physical contact – a subtle touch will let him know that you want some more.
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