You're a young guy. You know what it's like - every time you are out in a bar you see them. Every time you go to a service to get your free condoms and lube- you see them. Every time you buy a magazine they are in there too. What are they? Not the latest boy band to come out of Ireland, but all the usual health info leaflets and post cards. They cover everything from using condoms to coming out, STIs and, YES - condom use again! Some of these are really great, funny, eye-catching and informative, but when there can be loads of them, it can all seem like too much.
Healthy Gay Scotland has brought together a group to develop something a wee bit different for younger gay and bisexual men on their sex lives, emotions, safer sex and relationships. Having spoken to different guys on what they would like, it was decided to go for a comic book; following a series of characters, their stories and experiences.
Most of us know about comics; the Beano, Dandy - right up to Xmen and Viz. Healthy Gay Scotland is delighted the Scottish Cartoon Art Studio is on board. This is the first time that this has been tried in Scotland and we' re really looking forward to seeing how it develops! So watch out for the lives, loves and shags of the group of guys in the comic: Hamish, Liam , Peter and Johnny will be in action later in the year!
We've now got our thinking caps on and if any of you have any great ideas for the title of the comic, please let us know. We've been sitting there banging our heads together for something that is gonna capture the tone and message of the comic. We bet you can come up with something much better than we can!