Writers - Paul Matthews, Nick Laird, Allie Cherry, James Whyte, Alan Surgeon, Linda Thompson, Ann Mariott, Paul Robertson. Edit and Design - Brian Houston
Cock TalesIt can be pretty hard, when you' re young and gay, to get the kind of information that' s relevant to you. It' s important stuff for all of us; having the right information allows us to make choices with all the facts at hand. Well, a brand new comic-book, brought about with real involvement from young people, aims to redress the balance - you may have spotted the teaser in last issue' s Core. Cock Tales will hit the streets of Scotland with a special launch at Pride' s Youth Space on June 19. It' s a packed book and looks at the lives of young gay and bisexual men, their relationships and sexual health. Along with Cock Tales, there' ll be plenty of other freebies at the Youth Space and a chance for your own exclusive caricature from one of the guys from the Scottish Cartoon Art Studio. It looks like the season for new stuff as Cock Tales won' t be the only new resource on the day. LGBT Youth Scotland have been working on new sexual health materials for younger lesbian and bisexual women and one for younger trans folk. Skoolz Out is another, with info on being young and LGBT from the teams at YES Dumfries and the Phoenix Group. The LIPS Group at Glasgow' s Women' s Library have also got a new resource. It' ll all be there at Pride, so come along. It' s also your chance to have your say by chatting about what matters to you. |
is a partnership project representing the LGBT community
in Scotland. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the partners. However,
if they're witty, intelligent and insightful - they probably are. If you flicked
through this mag, saw a photie and made an assumption about someone's sexuality
- then you're about ten years behind what we're trying to do here. Click the
mag off and walk away. Accurate at going online time, but hey, we didn't get
this sarky without making mistakes.